Common Agricultural Policy
- Common Agricultural Policy
CAP , с.-х. Единая [общая\] сельскохозяйственная [аграрная\] политика
European Union, European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund, variable levy, export subsidy, threshold price, gate price, target price б), guide price, deficiency payment, agricultural policy, food security, green rate, Common Commercial Policy
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Общая сельскохозяйственная политика стран - членов ЕЭС; направлена главным образом на поддержку фермеров и стабильного уровня сельскохозяйственных цен.
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Коммерческая деятельность
Общая сельскохозяйственная политика
политика, проводимая Европейским Экономическим Сообществом с целью поддержания свободы торговли в рамках Общего рынка и защиты интересов фермеров стран членов ЕЭС abbr САР
Англо-русский экономический словарь.
Смотреть что такое "Common Agricultural Policy" в других словарях:
Common Agricultural Policy — ˌCommon Agriˌcultural ˈPolicy abbreviation CAP noun ECONOMICS FARMING in the European Union, a system of controlling the production and sale of farm produce, especially by paying government money to farmers to produce certain crops: • The… … Financial and business terms
Common Agricultural Policy — (CAP) in the law of the European Union, one of the very foundations, being the legal regime supporting the coordination of agriculture in Europe. Although included in the common market, it was necessary to make special provision for agriculture… … Law dictionary
Common Agricultural Policy — European Union This article is part of the series: Politics and government of the European Union … Wikipedia
Common Agricultural Policy — Common Ag|ri|cul|tu|ral Pol|i|cy, the the full name of the ↑cap … Dictionary of contemporary English
Common Agricultural Policy — CAP A policy set up by the European Economic Community to support free trade within the Common Market and to protect farmers in the member states. The European Commission fixes a threshold price, below which cereals may not be imported into the… … Big dictionary of business and management
Common Agricultural Policy — (CAP) Originally created with three main components: a single market for agricultural products, with common prices; a common external tariff (CET) on agricultural imports; and common financial responsibility. Its core is the guaranteed price… … Glossary of the European Union and European Communities
Common Agricultural Policy — (CAP) The CAP is a system of European Union (EU) agricultural subsidies. Its origins are to be found in an agreement made between France and West Germany during the drafting of the Treaty of Rome which provided for guaranteed markets for… … Glossary of UK Government and Politics
Common Agricultural Policy — (also the CAP) the policy introduced in 1962 by the European Community, now the European Union, to protect European farmers. Under the system, farmers were paid even if they produced food that was not needed. Too much food was produced as a… … Universalium
(the) Common Agricultural Policy — the Common Agricultural Policy UK US See:CAP agricultural policy.htm * * * the Common Agricultural Policy [the Common Agricultural Policy] … Useful english dictionary
Common Fisheries Policy — The Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) is the fisheries policy of the European Union (EU). It sets quotas for which member states are allowed to catch what amounts of each type of fish, as well as encouraging the fishing industry by various market… … Wikipedia
Common Fisheries Policy — (CFP) Devised originally in the early 1970s, the CFP is related to the Common Agricultural Policy. The policy lays down fishermen’s access to European Union (EU) waters, quotas, measures for the conservation and management of resources of… … Glossary of UK Government and Politics